The good news is that you can drastically lower the likelihood of having your car stolen by simply adopting a few extra easy safety measures. Here is our advice on how to reduce the likelihood of your car being stolen.
Park your car with as much visibility as you can near streetlights. This may deter robbers because they are more likely to be seen if they do this, especially in a populated place.
If you park on your drive, fit a driveway security light that will immediately turn on. This should either make you or your neighbours aware, fully scare criminals off, or make it simpler for you to catch a thief on camera.
Installing CCTV is a practical approach to increase your car's security if you park it close to your home. It may act as a visual deterrent even when it doesn't physically stop theft. The police might be able to reclaim your car and catch the thieves.
When you're out and about, if you have any pricey electronics, try hiding them in the boot or bringing them inside. If you must keep an electronic device in the vehicle, choose a dash cam that can continue to record even while the engine is off.
The dash cam will capture any bumps the car receives from criminals (which they will undoubtedly do if they're trying to break in), and if it's visible, it may serve as a visual deterrent.
If you choose a steering wheel lock with a high Sold Secure rating, it will take some time to remove it from the steering wheel as well as potentially deter the criminal. Most of the time, quick-strike thieves will pass by a car with a lock on the steering wheel.
Turning your wheels toward the curb or another car is a quick but effective move. This will make it much more difficult for criminals to flee.
If they succeed in breaking in and starting the vehicle, they will still need to straighten up or possibly reverse or manoeuvre, giving you the opportunity to phone the police and take down their description.
Although it seems straightforward, forgetting to lock your car is rather common. You may already add a layer of security by using your car's locking system. After all, if all they must do is open a door, it's far simpler for someone to steal your car. It's never a bad idea to double-verify something.
Never try to recover your stolen car on your own. You might be seriously endangering your own safety. Call 101 and ask to talk to the police in your area. Give them your registration number, the vehicle's make, model, and colour.
A crime reference number will be provided to you, which you must disclose to your insurance provider. The DVLA will be notified by the police of the theft and any subsequent vehicle recovery efforts.
If you'd like to talk about selecting a vehicle for a business lease or personal lease or you would like more information about our short-term leases, call us at 03330 443322 or send an email to